The purpose of the corporation is to acquire and hold real and personal property; to raise and distribute game and fish; To improve hunting and fishing conditions by any lawful means; to build and maintain hunting and fishing camps and lodges; to provide and promote sportsmanship, sociability, amusements, and entertainment for its members and guests; to exercise all and such power and authority as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and objectives above specified.
The Fulton County Sportsmen’s League consists of people who volunteer their time and resources to provide recreational opportunities to people of all ages. One of the primary functions of the club is to raise and stock trout in the streams of Fulton County. The club receives fingerlings in June of each year from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission. These fish are raised at the nursery until the following spring and then are stocked along with holdover trout from the year before. The Fulton County Sportsmen’s League generally stocks approximately 13500 one year old trout and 300 – 500 two year old trout annually minus any fish losses throughout the year. Fulton County Sportsmen’s League also has an annual kid’s trout rodeo held in May at Esther Run for kids age 12 and under. The Fulton County Sportsmen’s League also provides hunting opportunities for its members with access to approximately 300 acres of land for big game and small game hunting. You must be a current member to hunt or trap on the property. The Fulton County Sportsmen’s League relies on memberships, raffle ticket sales and donations to operate financially. Due to rising cost of fish feed and supplies, maintenance on the trout bins and machinery maintenance, it is very important for league members to sell as many raffle tickets as possible. The Fulton County Sportsmen’s League has its meetings the third Friday of the month at 7:00 pm from September through June.
To view the Constitution of the Fulton County Sportsmen’s League click here
To view the club history of the Fulton County Sportsmen’s League click here
To become a member of the Fulton County Sportsmen’s League click here